CSE 30 -- Lecture 8 -- Oct 20

Assignment 3

(1) OIC program to compute the dot product of two vectors X and Y. Output in memory location 0. Dimension in memory location 1. Vector elements interleaved, so X0 is in location 2, Y0 in 3, X1 in 4, Y1 in 5, etc.

new! Start your code at location 0x100. This means (256-2)/2 = 127 is the maximum number of dimensions. Your code should act as the main program, just like in assignment 2. This code must use a subroutine to multiply numbers.

(2) MIPS program to do the same computation, with dimension in $a0, address of X in $a1, address of Y in $a2. Output is via $v0, so this is the usual calling convention for the function

int	dotprod(int	dim,
		int	X[],
		int	Y[]);

new! Name your function dotprod. We've provided a main test routine which will call dotprod and print out the result. This test routine is by no means exhaustive; you should probably do more testing of your own. A copy of this file is in the public directory. Your MIPS code does not have to contain a subroutine. Your dotprod should be written using the standard calling convention with the proper register usage; it is a leaf function and can be treated as such as long as you register usage is correct.

Due Friday, Oct 30, 12:45pm. You may be up to 4 days late with this assignment, with the usual 0.9 factor per day.


We went over the prolog, epilog, and the loop body code for the MIPS version of the gauss and main programs. See gauss.mips.

The equivalent C code is:

int	m = 100;
int	array[128];

int	gauss(int	n);

void	main(void)
	int	i;

	for (i = 0; i < m, i++)
		array[i] = gauss(i);

int	gauss(int	n)
	int	v = 0, i;

	for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
		v = v + i;
	return v;

I also showed what any compiler worth its salt ought to be able to do: write the loops in better assembler. For gauss, the faster code is:

gauss:		sub	$sp, $sp, 8
		sw	$fp, 4($sp)
		add	$fp, $sp, 8
		sw	$ra, 0($fp)

		li	$v0, 0
		li	$t0, 1
		j	gtest
gloop:		add	$v0, $v0, $t0
		addi	$t0, 1
gtest:		ble	$t0, $a0, gloop

		lw	$ra, 0($fp)
		lw	$fp, -4($fp)
		add	$sp, $sp, 8
		jr	$ra

Make sure you understand how stack frames work and why this 2nd version is faster. Figure out how this works with recursion.

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