hit rate.
Most programs have good locality of reference, which makes
having a cache improve throughput (another way to look at it is that
p tends to be high through the execution of the program).
Missing from this web page are answers to: "why the first time you
load a variable's contents you do not necessarily incur a cache
miss?", "why is there locality of reference?", "what are the factors
that affect p?", "what are the factors that affect the values
of thit and tmiss in a
system?" You should find out the answers to these questions, from the
book or from discussions with your fellow classmates. Make sure you
understand the reason behind the answers -- don't just memorize them.
The MIPS is a RISC. It has 32 general purpose registers. Most
instructions deal with registers only; MIPS is a load/store
architecture. The reason for adopting a load/store architecture is
performance -- the complexity of handling interrupts (I/O devices,
page faults, etc) is isolated to a few instructions, since most others
are single-cycle instructions.
More on this later.
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