CSE 30 -- Assignment 2

The statistics are at the bottom of the page

About the grading:

Here is a sample solution:

; exp.oic
; CSE 30 Fall 97, Assignment #2: sample solution.
; Stephane Belmon, October 1997.
; Requirements: the answer has to compute x^y for non-negative integers,
; including 0^y and x^0. Overflows are to be ignored. It must use a 
; subroutine for the multiplication.
; Assumptions:
; x is a unsigned integer stored at 0x1000
; y is a unsigned integer stored at 0x1001
; The result will be stored at 0x1002
; 0^0 is 1, 0^y is 0 for y>0, x^0 is 1, overflows ignored.
; Usage: 
; "oic -s 0x1000 -c 3 exp.oic test1.oic"
; The last line of the dump will show the result (in hexadecimal).
; See the attached "test*.oic" files for the test suite.
; The equivalent C code is:
; p = 1;
; i = -y;
; while (i != 0) {
;    p = mult(p,x);
;    i = i + 1;
; }
; The mult subroutine is as given in 
; http://www-cse.ucsd.edu/classes/fa97/cse30/handouts/mult.oic
; We implement the parameter passing by simply storing the two parameters
; in the variables a and b, and we store the multiplication result in c.
; The number right after the ";" is a reminder of the current address 
; (hex) (for lines that have a triplet).  
0x1002 0x1002 0x1     ;0 exp:    subz p,p,next         
0x1002 0x29   0x2     ;1         subz p,neg1,next	p = 1;
0x26   0x26   0x3     ;2         subz i,i,next         
0x26   0x1001 0x4     ;3         subz i,y,next		i = -y; 
0x26   0x28   0x17    ;4 mloop:  subz i,zero,mdone	while (i != 0) {
                      ;                       		-- prepare to call mult
0x22   0x22   0x6     ;5         subz t,t,next         
0x22   0x1002 0x7     ;6         subz t,p,next         
0x23   0x23   0x8     ;7         subz a,a,next 	       
0x23   0x22   0x9     ;8         subz a,t,next			a = p;
0x22   0x22   0xa     ;9         subz t,t,next         
0x22   0x1000 0xb     ;a         subz t,x,next         
0x24   0x24   0xc     ;b         subz b,b,next	       
0x24   0x22   0xd     ;c         subz b,t,next			b = x;
0x21   0x21   0xe     ;d         subz multret,multret,next  -- prepare return
0x21   0x2a   0xf     ;e         subz multret,retproto,next
0x21   0x2b   0x10    ;f         subz multret,negretmultr,next
0x22   0x22   0x18    ;10        subz t,t,mult              -- call
                      ;retmultr:                            -- return point
0x22   0x22   0x12    ;11        subz t,t,next         
0x22   0x25   0x13    ;12        subz t,c,next	       
0x1002 0x1002 0x14    ;13        subz p,p,next	       
0x1002 0x22   0x15    ;14        subz p,t,next			p = c;
0x26   0x29   0x16    ;15        subz i,neg1,next               i = i+1;
0x22   0x22   0x4     ;16        subz t,t,mloop        }
0x22   0x22   0x17    ;17 mdone: subz t,t,mdone -- infinite loop (exit)
; Mult subroutine: computes a*b
; Assumptions:
; The parameters are stored in a and b.
; The result will be stored in c.
; The return instruction has to be generated and written at "multret:"
; before the caller jumps to "mult:"
; Side-effects:
; This routine will use j and t as scratch. a and b are read only.

0x27   0x27   0x19    ;18  mult: subz j,j,next
0x27   0x23   0x1a    ;19        subz j,a,next		    j = -a;
0x22   0x22   0x1b    ;1a        subz t,t,next		    t = 0;
0x27   0x28   0x1f    ;1b  loop: subz j,zero,loop_done	    while (j!=0) {
0x22   0x24   0x1d    ;1c        subz t,b,next         		t = t-b;
0x27   0x29   0x1e    ;1d        subz j,neg1,next      		j = j+1;
0x28   0x28   0x1b    ;1e        subz zero,zero,loop   	    }
                      ;  loop_done:
0x25   0x25   0x20    ;1f        subz c,c,next
0x25   0x22   0x21    ;20        subz c,t,next         	    c = -t;
                      ;  multret:
0      0      0       ;21        0 0 0    -- generated return instruction here 
                      ; Data
0      0      0       ;22        t: 0 0 0  -- scratch in various places
0      0      0       ;23        a: 0 0 0  -- parameter for mult subroutine
0      0      0       ;24        b: 0 0 0  -- parameter for mult subroutine
0      0      0       ;25        c: 0 0 0  -- result of mult subroutine
0      0      0       ;26        i: 0 0 0  -- main (exp) loop counter
0      0      0       ;27        j: 0 0 0  -- mult loop counter
                      ; Constants
0      0      0       ;28        zero: 0 0 0 
0xffff 0xffff 0xffff  ;29        neg1: 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff -- is -1
0xffdd 0xffde 0x0000  ;2a        retproto: 0xffdd 0xffde 0x0000 ; - (t t 0)
		      ;		  -- general return instruction prototype,
                      ;       	  -- opposite of "subz t, t, 0"
		      ;		  -- - 0x002200220000 == 0xffddffde0000
		      ;		  -- (t is at 0x22)
0xffff 0xffff 0xffef  ;2b        negretmultr: 0xffff 0xffff 0xffef        
		      ;           -- Opposite of the return point address
		      ;		  -- in the main loop.
		      ;           -- The return point is 0x11
	              ;           -- so negretmultr contains 0xffffffffffef

This solution was not written to be efficient, but it is (I hope) clear. It would be possible to save some instructions by merging a and p, and by using c instead of the temporary t in the mult subroutine. However, this "sub-optimal" version clearly separates the arguments from the temporary variables used for the computations.

Please note the "assumptions" and "side-effects" comments for the mult subroutine. These comments are very useful for the user of the subroutine (why ?). In MIPS assembly language, some side-effects are "implicit", like trashing the $t registers, but you should make most other things explicit. These comments are much more useful than explaining in English that you "initialize a variable to zero by substracting it from itself", which is obvious from the code. Remember that comments are intended to help a programmer who knows well the language (here OIC), but who doesn't know what you are trying to do.

For an explanation of the process of converting from subzs to machine language form (hex) , ie "assembling", please refer to this part of lecture 4.

See lecture 4 for an explanation of the call sequence (self-modifying code).

You could also have written a solution with an add subroutine called by the mult subroutine. It was not required and it is slightly more complicated (good: you learned more). In such a case, you would have to take care of generating two distinct return instructions. You would have two negated return point addresses: one for the return point in the main loop, one for the return point in the mult loop. But you would have only one retproto .

Grading statistics are:

86 students handed in something.

Assignment as a whole: mean  63.8908
                       stdev 32.4561

Part  1:  mean  26.872093
          stdev 12.713110
Part  2:  mean  25.000000
          stdev 17.620020
Part  3:  mean  14.104651
          stdev 7.512825
The grade distribution was:

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bsy@cse.ucsd.edu, last updated Wed Nov 19 19:27:44 PST 1997.

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