CSE 121 Fa 2000 -- Lecture 1 -- Sep 21

Some review and me finding out on what system calls you already know about -- to varying depths. The list is
  1. open(2)
  2. close(2)
  3. read(2)
  4. write(2)
  5. lseek(2)
  6. stat(2)
  7. lstat(2)
  8. fstat(2)
  9. socket(3n)
  10. listen(3n)
  11. accept(3n)
  12. connect(3n)
  13. shutdown(3n)
  14. fcntl(2)
  15. ioctl(2)
  16. shmat(2) (Sys V)
  17. shmctl(2) (Sys V)
  18. shmdt(2) (Sys V)
  19. shmget(2) (Sys V)
  20. shmop(2) (Sys V)
  21. semget(2) (Sys V)
  22. semctl(2) (Sys V)
  23. semop(2) (Sys V)
Note: These are Solaris manual pages, so the Berkeley socket implementation is actually a compatibilty library (3n) on top of the Solaris streams I/O system. On BSD4.4, these are native system calls.
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